EOFYS vs Everyday Great Prices & Service

EOFYS vs Everyday Great Prices & Service

– compare the difference!

Whats all the fuss – EOFYS vs Everyday Great Prices & Service!

Recently, I finally finished one of the jobs I’ve had on my list of things to do at home, being, to put up my letterbox. Now there is quite a long story with this letterbox the details of which I won’t bore you with. However, the short story is, now we get mail at home. And of course, now we get “junk mail” with of course all the EOFYS vs Everyday Great Prices & Service offered by all us business’.

MisterCans Jerry Cans & Water Cubes.jpgSo, I was browsing thru my first lot of junk mail [to think that I actually am excited to get some], and I noticed an item that I sell in my shop. Well, if you go to xxxxxxx hardware (hardware store of the year), they will charge you $49.00 for a 10l Metal Jerry Can – thats their special price. If you come to me “anytime”, you can get the same Jerry can for $35.00. As you would imagine, I’m pretty excited to boast about being “cheaper”. I don’t usually try to be cheaper, like stores we see going bankrupt. I just try to offer great value and great friendly service because I know you want to be looked after.

EOFYS vs Everyday Great Prices & Service – compare the difference!

Over the years we have heard many stories from our customers about how much they appreciated our service and our prices. Here’s just a couple:

  • A lady with a Audi Q7 got charged $4500.00 for the fitment of her towbar. They installed a euro 13-pin socket and then wanted to charge her more for the adaptor  {we fitted a regular 7 pin socket for her for much less than the adaptor}.
  • A recent BMW X5 owner said that BMW wanted almost $5000.00 for a towbar {he found it difficult to find anyone willing to fit a towbar for him; he saved well over $3000.00 coming to us}.
  • We fit a steel bullbar, towbar, electric brake controller, and anderson plug for one customer for his VW Amarok {he mentioned that all this cost less than “just the bullbar” at one of our competitors}.Camry Towbar - No Bumper Cut
  • And finally, if you have a current model Toyota Camry and you want a towbar from our major competitor it will cost you $770.00 ‘plus’ installation [and then you will have to have your bumper mutilated]. Come to us and get the same standard towbar for only $495.00 fitted [refer photo – “no” bumper cut]!

EOFYS vs Everyday Great Prices & Service – compare the difference!

Choose Midland Towbars today, your 1-stop accessory shop!

Call us now on 08 9250 1230

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